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12 Doctors

IVF in Malaysia

12 Doctors
Cost  |  Success rates  |  Egg donation  |  Age limit  |  Doctors Listed here are the best doctors for IVF in Malaysia with experience of over 40 years in the field and some of the highest success rates in all of Asia. IVF is expensive. It is imperative that you find the right doctor that understands your unique case and specific requirements. Before you sign up for fertility treatments, consider the clinic’s location, overall standards, cost of in vitro fertilization, doctor’s availability, staff behavior, among other factors. Read Infertility Aide reviews from real patients to help you in this decision. Every clinic has their own strengths and you must find the expert that is right for you. What is the cost of IVF in Malaysia? While the cheapest IVF in Malaysia costs only RM 9,900, the more comprehensive, fully-inclusive packages cost higher. IVF prices vary with your individual requirements. Below is the range of the average IVF cost in Malaysia: IVF – ICSI RM 9,900 – RM 30,000 IVF + Genetic testing RM 30,000 RM 30,000 – RM 45,000 Egg freezing RM 15,000 – RM 21,000 Donor egg IVF RM 22,000 – RM 31,000 + donor fee Donor sperm IVF RM 22,000 – RM 31,000 + donor fee IVF with surgical sperm extraction RM 20,000 – RM38,000 Intra-uterine insemination RM1,000 – RM3,000 IVF cost is always influenced by your individual factors, such as the medication required, number of eggs and embryos, additional services, and any extra testing, if required. What is the success rate of IVF in Malaysia? The best IVF clinics in Malaysia report success rates of upto 82.9% in IVF, which are among the highest in the world. Ofcourse, your age, gamete quality, overall health will always be responsible for your own IVF success and you must find the doctor you feel most comfortable with. Is donor egg IVF in Malaysia legal? Yes, IVF with donor eggs is allowed and very well regulated in Malaysia. The process involves thorough testing, counselling, and examination of all parties. What is the age limit for IVF in Malaysia? There is no age restriction for IVF, but some of the best fertility clinics in Kuala Lumpur will allow women upto 53 years or menopause, whichever comes first. Donor eggs and donor embryos are recommended for women over 45 years, but it really depends upon your personal factors. Can unmarried woman do IVF in Malaysia? No, the Malaysian IVF law requires you to be married to be eligible for IVF and Malaysian fertility clinics may require both partners to commence the treatment. As a single woman, you can have your eggs frozen and plan for IVF in future. The Cryotec method of egg vitrification is the most advanced in the world that allows the doctors to achieve close to 100% freeze-thaw survival of eggs and embryos. Doctors for IVF in Malaysia
4 Doctors

IVF in Mexico

4 Doctors
Cost  |  Egg donation  | Safety  | Doctors Planning for IVF in Mexico can be the safe, smooth experience you want it to be if you find the right clinic and doctor that you feel comfortable. The first step is to have your fertility tests done, set up a consultation with the doctor, and then figure out your options. You’ll find some of the best fertility clinics in Tijuana, Cancun or Puerto Vallarta are run by highly qualified doctors, and offer world-class fertility services at a fraction of the cost. How much does IVF cost in Mexico? The lower cost of in vitro fertilization in Mexico is a major draw for most people, and rightly so. IVF – ICSI $5,000 – $8,200 IVF + Genetic testing $9,000  – $12,500 Egg freezing $3,500 – $5,000 Donor egg IVF $6,500 – $11,500 Donor sperm IVF $6,000 – $10,000 IVF with surgical sperm extraction $6,500 – $8,500 Intra-uterine insemination $700 – $1,500 Surrogacy Please enquire The cost also varies with your individual preferences and any extra services you choose to opt for – hysteroscopy, embryo glue, embryoscope, etc. Normally the clinics offer a pay as you go plan that allows you to customize the plan to your own needs. Many clinics also offer packages for IVF Mexico with fixed prices. Is donor egg IVF allowed in Mexico? Egg donation for IVF in Mexico is legal and well regulated. You can request for a batch of frozen eggs or select a profile of an egg donor to commission for a fresh cycle of ovarian stimulation and egg donation. The donors go through extensive screening for various medical problems. Make sure to check with your doctor regarding the egg donor’s examination reports, especially if you have any concerns about hereditary diseases. Is IVF in Mexico safe? Besides the local population, IVF clinics in Mexico also serve a large number of American and Canadian patients every year and majority of our clients reported that they felt secure and cared-for by their Mexican doctors. If you have any concerns, you can start by comparing your options and requesting an online consultation with your preferred doctor. Reading reviews and hearing from patients who’ve been there before, also helps. Doctors for IVF in Mexico
8 Doctors

IVF in Thailand

8 Doctors
Cost  |  Donor eggs  |  Legal guidelines  |  Doctors The growing number of IVF clinics in Thailand is a testament to the country’s standing in artificial reproductive technology. This British couple, after failing four IVF cycles in the UK over 14 years, decided to get IVF in Thailand in their one last try, and gladly returned with twins. Besides Thai nationals and the expats settled here, we regularly serve couples from Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, the UK, USA, and many other countries looking for infertility treatments in Thailand. What is the cost of IVF in Thailand? The average cost of IVF in some of the best IVF clinics in Thailand is as below: IVF – ICSI THB 199,990 – THB 350,000 IVF + Genetic testing THB 350,000 – THB 620,000 Egg freezing THB 190,000 ++ IVF + surgical sperm extraction with PESA/TESE THB 250,000 – THB 390,000 Intra-uterine insemination THB 30,000 – THB 72,000 IVF costs depend upon the clinic you choose, doctor’s experience, standards of equipment and specialization and whether you choose any extra services such as genetic testing, embryoscope, hysteroscopy, embryo glue, etc. The cost of treatment is also decided by the amount of medication required in your individual case, the number of embryos you choose to freeze, and any extra testing, if required in your medical situation. Is donor egg IVF allowed in Thailand? No, IVF with commercial donor eggs was banned by the Government of Thailand and registered clinics do not offer this service. If, however, you have a donor in your family that qualifies according to their laws, your Thai fertility clinic may arrange to get permission from the ethics committee for donor egg IVF. What are the legal guidelines for fertility treatments in Thailand? The following are not legally allowed: Commercial surrogacy Commercial egg donor Commercial sperm donor IVF for single mothers or fathers Married couples of any nationality need to bring their valid marriage certificates for IVF treatments in Thailand. Doctors for IVF in Thailand
4 Doctors

IVF in Denmark

4 Doctors
Cost  |  Age limit  |  Legal regulations  |  Doctors IVF in Denmark is available under the public health-care system for locals and at quite an affordable price for foreign patients. More than 25% of Danish couples have been estimated to suffer from infertility but a 2023 report finds that the interest in fertility treatment was quite low due to lack of awareness. There are a few fertility clinics in Denmark that have highly experienced doctors with over 30 years of international experience. How much does IVF cost in Denmark? The cost of IVF in Denmark starts around $3,150 or DKK 22,000. For Danish residents, IVF is free in Denmark. Public health services in the country cover upto 3 IVF cycles for all Danish residents. For people of other nationalities, the costs are as below: IVF – ICSI €3,500 – €4,800 IVF + Genetic testing RM 30,000 €7,500 –  €8,800 Egg freezing €2,000 – €2,800 Donor egg IVF €6,700 – €8,500 Donor sperm IVF €3,700 – €4,500 IVF with surgical sperm extraction €4,300 – €5,000 Intra-uterine insemination €300 – €400 If you opt for extra services like AHA (assisted hatching) with Saturn Laser, genetic testing, chromosome analysis, the package will be upgraded accordingly. What is the age limit for IVF in Denmark? While there is no upper age limit for men, women are allowed to get IVF only upto the age of 46 years. Women between the ages of 40 and 46 years can avail any fertility treatment at private clinic. The age limit to get IVF at any public fertility clinic in Denmark is 40 years for women. What are the legal regulations for IVF in Denmark? The regulations for Artificial Reproductive Technology in Denmark are quite liberal as below: IVF is allowed for heterosexual as well as homosexual couples IVF for single women is allowed Pre-genetic testing is allowed if it is medically indicated Embryos and eggs may be frozen for a maximum of five years ‘Parent suitability’ is must for any client You have the right to report any patient safety incident Doctors for IVF in Denmark
3 Doctors

IVF in India

3 Doctors
Cost  |  Legal guidelines  |  Doctors The first IVF in India was performed successfully back in 1981, resulting in the birth of Durga, just three months after the world’s first IVF baby, Louise Brown, was born in Britain. In the four decades since then, thousands of babies have been born at numerous fertility clinics in India as more doctors cater to the growing demand of pregnancy via IVF. Some of the best IVF doctors in India are listed here; after you’ve considered the location, experience, reviews, and the exact specialization that you need, you can request an appointment and consult. How much does IVF cost in India? IVF prices in India are highly variable doctor’s expertise, the standard and location of the clinic, the technology and equipment they use, and overall success rates. The prices vary so much that lower end clinics may charge only around a third of what some of the top-end fertility clinics charge in India. So, you need to be careful and select the IVF clinic that meets your needs well. The costs of IVF treatments in India are in the below range: IVF – ICSI ₹120,000 – ₹350,000 IVF + Genetic testing RM 30,000 ₹250,000 –  ₹450,000 Egg freezing ₹100,000 – ₹250,00 Donor egg IVF ₹170,000 – ₹450,000 Donor sperm IVF ₹150,000 – ₹380,000 IVF with surgical sperm extraction ₹200,000 – ₹400,000 Intra-uterine insemination ₹4,500 – ₹15,000 Surrogacy Only altruistic surrogacy within family Pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT) may be done for checking chromosomal abnormalities and genetic diseases but it is strictly prohibited for gender selection. Please do not enquire about any gender preference services, it is strictly illegal in India. What are the legal guidelines for Indian IVF clinics? The lack of proper regulation means that IVF laws in India are quite liberal, but you must note the below: Commercial surrogacy has been declared illegal by the government of India Gender selection is strictly illegal and a punishable offence If you need egg or sperm donors, they cannot be known individuals. The donor programs in India require complete anonymity of the donor. India is a huge country that offers some of the lowest costs of medical services but it also means you need to be very careful in selecting the right IVF clinic. Do not just go for the chepaest IVF service you find. Most people only take 1-2 chances at IVF and you must do your research to find best fertility clinic in India that meets your requirements and makes you feel comfortable and cared-for. Doctors for IVF in India
1 Doctors

IVF Cyprus

1 Doctors
Cost  |  Age limit  |  Egg donation  |  Genetic testing  |  Doctors If you’re planning for IVF in Cyprus, you have a large number of choices in clinics, doctors, and services. There are numerous IVF clinics in both North and South Cyprus that cater to the island country’s population as well as the thousands of foreigners who come here for affordable fertility treatments. Some fertility experts in Cyprus have over 40 years of experience in the field and you can avail their expertise for your fertility problems. How much does IVF cost in Cyprus? The cost of IVF in Cyprus varies with the doctor’s expertise, clinic standards, and the facilities they offer. IVF prices in Cyprus are in the below range: IVF – ICSI €4,500 – €6,800 IVF + Genetic testing RM 30,000 €7,000 –  €9,800 Egg freezing €2,500 – €3,800 Donor egg IVF €5,600 – €8,500 Donor sperm IVF €4,700 – €5,500 IVF with surgical sperm extraction €5,300 – €6,000 Intra-uterine insemination €400 – €700 Surrogacy Please enquire If you opt for extra services like AHA (assisted hatching) with Saturn Laser, genetic testing, chromosome analysis, the package will be upgraded accordingly. What is the age limit for IVF in Cyprus? According to the Cyprus law, the age limit for IVF is 50 years for women. However, women over 50 and upto 53 years can apply to the Board of Medically Assisted Reproduction in the country and get special permission for IVF. Is surrogacy in Cyprus legal? Surrogacy in North Cyprus is legal and allowed for everyone. In South Cyprus, surrogacy is only allowed for local residents. Is egg donation IVF in Cyprus allowed? Donor egg IVF is legal and well-regulated in Cyprus. You can get a batch of frozen donor eggs or higher a donor for fresh eggs. Infact, some of the high-quality egg banks in Cyprus are accredited by: EU Tissues & Cells Directive The US FDA Health Canada HFEA They allow you to take 2 to 10 eggs (depending upon your preference and budget) that are genetically tested for 302 recessive genes. Is genetic testing allowed in Cyprus? Yes, pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT) is allowed and it is now routinely used in IVF to find: Any abnormality in the number of chromosome sets Chromosomal translocation Single gene disorders Depending upon your requirement and genetic history, a proper genetic testing technique will be advised. For example, the 5 probe FISH method in minimalist and screens the X, Y, 13, 18, and 21 chromosomes, which are considered the most important. For specific genetic diseases, a different method, called PGT-M, can be employed. Discuss your requirements with your doctor and decide what’s best for you. Doctors for IVF in Cyprus

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