Reason for your IVF failure

What is the reason for your IVF failure?

The average success rates of IVF globally are under 50 percent. This means that almost half the people who undergo IVF do not get pregnant. So, what is the reason for your IVF failure? Could you have done anything different? IVF is an expensive procedure with no guarantee of success. Once you get your head around the […]

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Natural cycle IVF

Natural cycle IVF 

In Natural cycle IVF, the egg you naturally release each month is collected and fertilized with your partner’s sperm under controlled conditions of an IVF laboratory. No drugs or hormones are used for stimulation of ovaries, unlike in conventional IVF.  The world’s first IVF baby—Louise Brown—was conceived with natural IVF but due to the lower […]

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Recurrent miscarriages

Why do you have recurrent miscarriages?

Recurrent miscarriage is the loss of three or more consecutive pregnancies of 13 weeks or less, with the same partner. If you’ve had recurrent miscarriages, it is possibly due to a hormonal imbalance, underlying genetic issues, or some uterine problems. What is the most common reason for recurrent miscarriage? Finding the possible reason for your […]

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Should you try IUI before IVF

Should you try IUI before IVF?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is much cheaper and less invasive than invitro fertilization (IVF) but it is not for everyone. Should you try IUI before IVF? Or is it just a waste of money and time, which is extremely crucial in fertility treatments? Before you start the treatment, learn about the differences between the two procedures, understand how they […]

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Hormonal treatment for adenomyosis infertility

What is the best treatment for adenomyosis infertility?

Doctors for adenomyosis treatment in Malaysia Adenomyosis infertility treatment in Thailand Treatment for adenomyosis infertility in Mexico Treatment for adenomyosis in India Treatment for adenomyosis in Cyprus Doctors for adenomyosis treatment in Denmark What is Adenomyosis? Adenomyosis is a medical condition of the uterine walls getting thicker resulting in the endometrium (the inner lining of […]

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How to improve your sperm count and motility

How to improve your sperm count and motility?

In 50% of all infertility cases, the problem is attributed to the man (1). Fortunately, the sperm development cycle in humans is just around 74 days and by making the right choices, you may be able to improve your sperm count and motility in under 3 months. If your semen analysis report is disappointing, the […]

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IVF for single women

Where to get IVF for single women?

IVF for single women in Mexico IVF for single women in Denmark IVF for single women in Cyprus As a single woman, you have more control over your life than ever before and if you feel strongly about having a baby, you can certainly make that choice for yourself. With growing awareness about these procedures and […]

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Low-carb diet improves IVF success

Low-carb diet improves IVF success, Doctor finds

A low-carb diet improves IVF success rates significantly, a recent study has revealed. An American IVF specialist noted a pattern in his patients—the ones on a high protein, low-carb diet got pregnant a lot easier than those who were consuming too many carbs. Patients considering IVF treatments always been advised to focus on their nutrition […]

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