Improve IVF success with ERA

What is ERA testing in IVF?

If you have had a failed IVF cycle despite good quality embryos and a good transfer process at the hands of an experienced doctor, you may consider the endometrial receptivity analysis, commonly known as ERA testing in IVF. ERA test can optimize the chances for successful implantation, especially if there is a concern about your […]

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Early miscarriages 6-8 weeks

What causes early miscarriages at 6-8 weeks?

Loss of pregnancy before 10-12 weeks is called an early miscarriage or early pregnancy loss and it happens in around 20% of all pregnancies (1). If you’ve experienced multiple miscarriages soon after conceiving without any logical explanation, it must be very frustrating. So, what causes early miscarriages at 6-8 weeks? Early miscarriages are mostly blamed on chromosomal […]

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Semen analysis

What is a normal semen analysis result?

If you’re undergoing sperm testing, you probably want to know what a normal semen analysis result looks like and compare it to your own findings. What are the values of a normal semen analysis result? Below is the normal range of various parameters in a semen analysis (1): Parameter  What is it? Normal value Sperm […]

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How many eggs do women have

How many eggs do women have?

Female babies are born with all the eggs they are ever going to have and the numbers decline rapidly at different stages of life (1). So, how many eggs do women have and what happens to them as they age? We ask: As a 20-week-old baby inside your mother’s womb, you have 6-8 million eggs […]

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Woman's most fertile age

What is a woman’s most fertile age?

Age is one of the most important factors affecting female fertility. A woman in her optimal health, should be able to conceive easily any time upto mid-30s, after which your fertility starts to gradually decline. So, what is a woman’s most fertile age that’s ideal to conceive, or say, to freeze your eggs? At what […]

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Can stress affect your IVF success?

Can stress affect your IVF success?

Stress is not good for conceiving and doctors would normally advise you to stay calm and relaxed during the process. However, it’s natural to be a little worried when you’re spending so much but can stress affect your IVF success? We find out: A Swedish study found that among twenty-two women who went through IVF, […]

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How successful is IVF with endometriosis

How successful is IVF with endometriosis?

Over 10% of the females in reproductive age suffer from endometriosis, according to the World Health Organization (1). Some of those women will need medical help to conceive and they’re often wondering how successful is IVF with endometriosis? Or even if IVF will work with endometriosis? 50% of the women with mild endometriosis and around […]

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What is the use of AI in IVF?

Using Artificial Intelligence or AI in IVF is a way to improve the reliability and success rates of ART. So, how does AI help the IVF process? With AI, doctors and embryologists can learn how likely an embryo is to develop even upto the third week of gestation and can select the embryo with the […]

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