What happens after embryo transfer

What happens after embryo transfer in IVF?

The two week-wait to confirm your pregnancy after an embryo transfer is challenging for some women. It is normal to have your mind flooded with questions like what happens after embryo transfer and what should or should not you be doing? Can I travel after embryo transfer? Or do any physical activities during this time? […]

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Risks of transferring two embryos in IVF

What you must know about transferring two embryos in IVF

Many couples request their doctors for transferring two embryos in IVF but does it really help? If you too are keen on taking a chance on twins in IVF with two embryos, it is imperative that you weigh the risks and benefits of double embryo transfer (DET) after a detailed discussion with your doctor ahead […]

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Fertilization of immature eggs in IVF

What do to with immature eggs in IVF?

Contents Are immature eggs in IVF common? What are the causes of immature eggs in IVF? What is the IVF protocol for immature eggs? Benefits of delayed IVF Can eggs fertilize after 24 hours of OPU? Can eggs fertilize after 48 hours of OPU? Who should consider delayed IVF? Immature eggs IVF success story Should […]

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Embryo grading - Grade 1 embryo

Understanding the IVF embryo grading chart

An IVF embryo grading chart answers the many questions that patients frequently ask their doctors about the different kinds of embryos and their likelihood for implantation. What is an embryo grading chart? How does it determine whether an embryo is considered good, fair, or poor? An embryo grading chart used in the IVF procedure to […]

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Are day 7 embryos viable

Can a day 7 embryo result in healthy pregnancy?

Day 7 embryo transfers are less common since, by this point in a natural conception cycle, the embryo would have settled into the uterus. The likelihood of a successful pregnancy is also influenced by the stage of embryo development at the time of transfer. Considering the standard embryo grading in IVF, it is common practice to […]

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Hysteroscopy before IVF

Do you really need Hysteroscopy before IVF?

Some fertility clinics recommend hysteroscopy to all patients before starting IVF but for you it means an additional expense of upto $5,000. Do you really need a hysteroscopy before IVF? Does hysteroscopy help in improving IVF success? Many studies have failed to associate hysteroscopy and IVF success so it is certainly not an absolute requirement […]

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What is the real cost of IVF in Mexico?

13 of every 100 couples in the US have fertility problems and around 2 percent of the children are born with the help of ART every year, according to the US CDC. It is an expensive treatment. Many patients travel overseas in pursuit of low-cost IVF and if you can just go across the border, […]

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