Infertile couples around the world turn to Infertility Aide seeking accurate information and advice on navigating their situation. We strive to keep our clients informed with the most useful updates in the IVF industry; while ensuring the everything we present is fact-checked and double reviewed to the best of our abilities.

Dr. Rachael
Dr. Richa
Dr. Meenakshi
Rachel Bailey

Dr. Rachael Bailey, PhD

My name is Rachael Bailey and I suffered from infertility before the birth of my son in 2016. At the time I started trying to conceive, I was only 27 and so infertility came as a shock to me.

I am a scientist, with a PhD in Cell Biology and several published research manuscripts, and a mum to a gorgeous 8 year old boy. I had difficulty conceiving my son, and required fertility treatment to do so.

This is why I am very passionate about the subject of infertility and feel that I know a significant amount about it since I carryied out a vast amount of my own research.

Dr. Richa Arora, MBBS

Dr. Richa Arora is a general physician with special interest in improving female health and fertililty. Her creative interest in writing started back in her college days, when she took on several freelance writing assignments.

“As I worked with more women and discovered their challenges with fertility and child-birth, I realised a lot of times it was attributed to poor nutrition and lifestyle factors. It piqued my interested in learning more about the role of food in programming our bodies and I’m always happy to share my knowledge.”

Dr. Meenakshi

BSc, B.Ed, MSc, MPhil, PhD

A highly experienced former professor of Science, who is passionate about women’s health, education, and writing.

She brings us immense value with her insights and her knowledge of healthcare. Her meticulous attention to detail ensures that the data points and statistics mentioned are valid at the time of reviewing.

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